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Voting results for local school budgets and board of education elections

Published on May 22, 2024

Vote 3

Residents throughout the North Country gathered Tuesday at their local school districts to vote on budgets and board of education seats.

Here are the results we’ve gathered locally:

Lewis County (including Carthage CSD from Jefferson County):

Beaver River CSD: District taxpayers voted to pass a $22.1 million, with proposals approved as well. Jonathan Beller and Tari Thompson were elected to the school board.

Carthage CSD: $73.4 million budget passes, including both propositions. Gary Schwartz and Christopher Waring both re-elected to the school board.

Copenhagen CSD: Voters said yes to a $12.3 million budget. Koreen Freeman and Keith Lee re-elected to the school board.

Harrisville CSD: $11.7 million budget approved, including bus proposal. Kathy Felio and Tennille Schmitt are both re-elected to the school board.

Lowville Academy: Voters approved a $30.7 million budget, representing a 1.89% increase and projects a 2.49% tax increase. Michael Judd, Shereen Palmer and Mike Young all elected to the school board.

South Lewis CSD: $30.9 million budget passed, including both propositions. Justin Szucs and Mark Lemieux won seats on the school board.

Oneida County:

Adirondack CSD: Voters approved the budget. 5 people ran for three available seats on the BOE, with Matthew Lastowski, Almanda Sturtevant (*incumbent) and John Baujan all winning positions.

Holland Patent CSD: Budget and propositions passed. Paolozzi elected to the school board.

Remsen CSD: $14.6 million budget approved by voters, including two propositions.

Herkimer County:

Poland CSD: $17.9 million budget approved. Megan Dischiavi elected to the school board.

Town of Webb: Voters approved an $11.4 million budget, with a proposition passing, too. Diane Heroux elected to the school board.

West Canada Valley CSD: Budget and bus proposition approved. Lynch and Northup-Lynch elected to the school board.

Generic voting image.

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