BOONVILLE- The Red Cross has been notified to assist the family who lost their home in a Thursday afternoon blaze near the village.
Fire Chief Dave Pritchard Jr. says alarms sounded around 2:30 p.m. for a garage fire at 9197 Lachausse Road.
As of this report, the fire is still under investigation, but Chief Pritchard Jr. says it appears as if the blaze sparked somewhere near an oil furnace.
The garage was attached to the home and the flames "had a pretty good head start" prior to the first wave of emergency responders, the Fire Chief said.
No injuries were reported and mutual aid was provided thanks to Constableville, Forestport, Remsen and Westernville.
State Police, Sheriff's Deputies and the Village Police also assisted.
From 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Friday, January 17, 2025, the Forestport Fire Department will serve as a site for folks to drop off clothing donations and other contributions. Things needed include:
Size 14 jeans, XL Hoodies, Large tee-shirts, large underwear; 32x32 jeans, large shirts, XL hoodies; size 4-T clothing (including diapers size 6 Walmart brand); shirt size 2-XL, jeans 22-W, hoodies 3-XL; XL shirt, -XL hoodie, 14 jeans boot-cut, 2-XL hoodie.
For shoes, women's 9-1/2 wide, 8 wide, 9-1/2 and men’s 10/11.
In addition, folks are welcome to drop off dog food, goat food, toiletries and etc. Gift cards will be accepted as well.
Also, folks can leave monetary donations at Community Bank in Boonville, NY (Main Street and drive-thru). According to friends and family members, all you do is say you would like to do a monetary donation to Ashley Denslow’s savings account and it will go directly to her. Please leave your name and information.
Image obtained on social media via Heather Backer.