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Deadline missed for Copenhagen Fire Department to turn-in its equipment

Published on November 16, 2022

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LEWIS COUNTY- There is more that has surfaced in the ongoing situation between the village of Copenhagen, NY and its fire department.

Earlier this fall, the village voted to dismantle the department in the wake of financial bookkeeping issues.

Earlier this month, it was reported that the village sent a letter to the fire department, with a demand to have its equipment and assets turned-in within ten-days.

According to the latest updates from WWNY-TV, that deadline has passed and fire president Jim Henry says the department did not adhere to this deadline because everything belongs to them, not to the village.

Meanwhile, Village Attorney Candace Randall told reporters that Copenhagen has since voted to contract with Rutland for its fire protection.

In addition, it’s reported they will be seeking to house fire department vehicles on village-owned land.

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