PORT LEYDEN- There appears to be quite a standoff brewing between the village of Port Leyden and its own fire department.
The reason: mold discovered recently in the field day buildings, which have been utilized for events by the fire department and others for several years, but is reportedly owned by the village.
With that being said, the fire department claims they are the ones responsible for maintaining the structure and they’re upset with the villages' aim to tear the structure down completely.
This was all revealed during a press conference Friday shortly before noontime, hosted by the Port Leyden Fire Department.
It was held at the fire hall, with several members from the department attending, along with a few community residents.
Following a village meeting in March, the fire department says they were under the impression that they had reached an agreement with the village to only tear down one portion of the field day building and leave the rest remaining.
As of this report, the entire structure has been taped off and remains off limits to everyone, including the fire department itself.
During the meeting, fire officials said they have certain equipment inside they would like to salvage.
We have reached out and made contact with Village Mayor Shawn Smith. He has agreed to speak with us and answer our questions.
We plan to reach out to other officials for more in-depth coverage next week.
Image by Brian Trainor.