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Fundraiser organized to benefit restoration work for historical Lewis County Fair Grandstand

Published on May 16, 2023

Lewis County Fair Grandstand 2

LOWVILLE- It will be perfectly safe for this fair season, but the historic grandstand at the Lewis County Fairgrounds will eventually need some more needed repair and upgrades.

Lewis County Ag Society has organized a fundraiser to help make these restorations happen. 

“It is our mission to ensure that our beautiful wooden grandstand remains for many more years," said Lewis County Fair Manager and fundraiser spokesperson Rachel Lisk.

"The Lewis County Agricultural Society is reaching out to its amazing patrons and supporters for help in funding. We hope that our Fair Friends & Family recognize the history and beauty behind these stands, acknowledge the importance of a safe grandstand and track and honor the memories that have been made."

Listen to our latest on-air coverage with Rachel Lisk for more details:

While work was done in time for the 2022 Fair, Lisk says there is more to be done.

Many lower columns on the east side of the grandstand need replacing. In addition to the columns, the decking of the walkway needs to be restored.

A new drainage system under the walkway is also needed.

All new work will need to be painted and cables will need to be installed to hold the structure together.

Powderpost beetles, while not a concern to people, have been discovered and will need to be treated to ensure the future integrity of the building.

Total renovation costs are estimated at approximately $500,000.

Lisk told us the fair has been working towards "a couple of grants" with different organizations. Furthermore, she clarified the county has awarded the movement with $100,000.

The 202nd Lewis County Fair is aimed this summer for July 18-22.

Image via Lewis County Ag Society.

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