LEWIS COUNTY- It's been a sticky ordeal for folks traveling along Pine Grove Road.
Last week, Lewis County Highway Department Superintendent Timothy Hunt says work crews attempted to chip-seal the road, but it failed. The reason: stone that was not of proper size.
Hunt says because of this, it allowed freshly laid tar to stick to numerous vehicles that passed through.
To try and fix the problem, Hunt told us crews added more stone, but it created a dust storm leading into the holiday weekend.
To be clear, the project is not of the county. Instead, it is contracted work and that means the company has an insurance policy that will cover any vehicles affected by the tar and rocks along Pine Grove Road during the project in question.
Those who would like more information are asked to contact the Highway Department: 315-376-5350.
The road was closed Tuesday (local traffic only) from Number Four Road Intersection and all the way down to Burdick's Crossing (this includes the Greig Road).
Hunt says this was done after discussing with crew members working on the National Grid power-line project nearby, which has been producing increased truck traffic along that roadway.
The road is expected to re-open later Tuesday, Hunt told us.
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