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Local Planning Committee launches public feedback survey for proposed Lowville DRI projects

Published on September 23, 2024

Lowville Downtown

LOWVILLE- The Village of Lowville Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) Local Planning Committee is encouraging public feedback on the proposed list of projects.

The survey, where folks can provide their input, is now live online and will be available through October 2. “This survey provides an opportunity for members of the public to share their thoughts and preferences regarding the projects that are being evaluated by the LPC for funding consideration,” the village of Lowville said in a released statement.

"Public input is crucial in shaping the future of our downtown," said Dan Salmon, Village of Lowville Deputy Mayor and LPC co-chair.

"We encourage all residents to take a few minutes to complete this survey and help us identify projects that align with our community's vision.”

The survey results will be considered by the LPC as they continue to evaluate and refine the proposed projects for inclusion in the final Strategic Investment Plan.

This plan will ultimately determine which projects receive funding from the $10 million DRI allocation.

Village of Lowville image.

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