Lowville Village Local Planning Committee seeking project proposals for Downtown Revitalization Initiative
LOWVILLE- The Local Planning Committee is seeking proposals for potential transformational projects to be evaluated for funding consideration through the NYS Downtown Revitalization Initiative.
Projects selected for inclusion within the Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) will be reviewed by New York State and may receive funding from a total allocation of $10 million.
Project sponsors are encouraged to submit projects for consideration. Information related to project eligibility, requirements, and evaluation is included on the Lowville DRI Project Form, available on the Lowville DRI website.
The timeline for this concludes July 31, the date when all project forms must be completed and submitted.
Lowville’s DRI consultant team is available to answer questions and provide guidance to potential project sponsors via a number of upcoming opportunities including:
- Virtual Drop-In Session – June 24 from 5pm-6pm
- Virtual Drop-In Session – July 11 from 12pm to 1pm
- Virtual Individual Meetings – available to schedule via the online form on Lowville DRI website.
The DRI is led by the Department of State, in close partnership with Empire State Development, NYS Homes and Community Renewal and New York State Energy Research and Development Authority.
The Local Planning Committee (LPC) includes local and regional leaders, stakeholders, and community representatives.
LPC members will attend a variety of meetings at which they will be asked to brainstorm ideas, provide direction to consultants, review planning products, and prioritize actions.
Village of Lowville Deputy Mayor, Dan Salmon and Michele Ledoux of the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Lewis County and member of the North Country Regional Economic Development Council will serve as the Lowville LPC cochairs.
Public engagement is a key component of the DRI planning process and fundamental to the success of the DRI.
The objective of public engagement is to ensure that all stakeholders have ample opportunity to be informed about the DRI process and its intended outcomes; to comment on the study as it progresses; to express their concerns and contribute ideas; and to participate in building a consensus about the vision for the Downtown and other outcomes, culminating in a locally supported DRI Strategic Investment Plan.
Public workshops and engagement activities will be scheduled throughout the effort to allow opportunity for public input.
Village of Lowville images.