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Over $58,000 to be dispersed among 14 community projects for Kenneth V. and Jeannette Remp Sawyer Fund

Published on July 26, 2023

Sawyers NNYCF

BOONVILLE- Over $58,000 will be dispersed among 14 different community projects throughout Boonville, Constableville and Westernville, NY as part of the Kenneth V. and Jeannette Remp Sawyer Community Fund.

“It is remarkable to see the meaningful reach of the Sawyer family’s enduring gift,” said Max DelSignore, Northern New York Community Foundation assistant director.

“This year’s grant awards will benefit citizens of all ages, support a variety of community projects and address essential needs. What Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer created speaks to the strength of geographic giving as a true difference-maker for the communities you care about most.”

The following organizations will receive 2023 grant funding from the Sawyer Community Fund:

Constableville Library Association — $8,000 to help with renovations to the upper level of its building to create a new youth space. Grant funding will be allocated to help purchase new furniture, games, and electronics. The expansion will greatly enhance the educational and recreational opportunities for children and families.

Erwin Library and Institute — $7,500 to aid with improvements to the basement, which hosts a variety of children’s programs. Upgrades include window replacements and a new heating unit, along with structural repairs and abate issues that have caused water damage and heating loss during winter months.

Boonville Cemetery Association — $7,000 to address several broken, fallen, and tipped headstones in the 166-year-old cemetery. Funding will be allocated to purchase a tombstone jack and hire an outside firm to power wash older stones.

Boonville Fire Company — $6,000 to purchase the last three portable digital radios needed to outfit all officers and comply with a required equipment update.

Dodge Pratt Northam Art and Community Center — $5,000 to support art classes for children ages 5 to 15, a musical production for children ages 7 to 18, a drama program this fall, and a growing LEGO Robotics program for students ages 9 to 12. The wide variety of programs provides children a pathway for enrichment and growth outside of school.

Constable Hall Association — $4,800 to purchase garden benches for the grounds at Constable Hall. Up to nine benches will be placed near the community gardens and a trail on the hall grounds enabling visitors to enjoy the grounds and enhance their overall experience.

Adirondack Community Chorus — $4,500 to help with production costs of another musical revue in the Boonville area in spring 2024. The performance will be held at Adirondack Central School’s elementary building. Grant funding will support personnel costs for the performance (writer, director, choreographer, and piano accompanist).

Village of Boonville — $4,000 to help install a hydration station at Erwin Park near the splash pad to give residents and visitors a covered location for snacks and drinks. Funding will support material costs.

Lost Trail Snowmobile Club — $3,000 for new safety signage and materials to make trails safer. Enhancements will also provide more directional and business information to riders and trail users. The organization is securing and pursuing additional funding, along with this grant, with a goal to implement upgrades before year-end.

Constableville Volunteer Fire Company — $2,500 to help purchase a new utility truck to respond to accidents/events in inclement weather, help facilitate community activities, and transport members to training, education, and other functions.

Boonville Black River Canal Museum — $2,000 to upgrade its website. The museum plans a more modern site that is easier to navigate, obtain research and inform patrons and guests of activities. Grant funding will support project implementation.

Boonville Search and Rescue Association — $1,575 to purchase training kits for a two-day compass and CPR/wilderness/first aid course. Officials plan to partner with local boy and girl scout organizations to train up to 20 people from ages 13 to adult.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) — $1,175 to acquire supplies to continue the basic income tax return preparation program that serves village residents. Approximately 250 returns were completed last year, and program officials hope to expand the service.

Young at Heart Senior Citizens Group — $1,000 to provide meaningful activities and access to the elderly population residing in Boonville. The group delivers organized community activities and trips for local seniors.

Nearly two-dozen organizations applied for grant funding in the sixth year of the grant program.

In 2022, the Sawyer Community Fund awarded $52,100 to 15 community-based organizations.

Thanks to the enduring generosity of the Sawyers, the fund has provided more than $250,000 in support to 75 organizations and projects since grant-making efforts began in 2018.

Northern New York Community Foundation image.

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