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REMINDER: Next upcoming public workshop for Boonville NY Forward project proposals slated for Wednesday, October 2

Published on October 01, 2024

Boonville Village Square

BOONVILLE- The next public workshop meeting for the proposed projects in Boonville’s NY Forward funding is Wednesday, October 2.

The meeting will take place from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Erwin Library.

Be sure to listen to our on-air coverage from Wednesday morning, October 2 with LPC member, Lisa Stanford, for more details:

Officials from the local planning committee strongly encourage the public to provide their feedback on over two-dozen proposed projects, including both public and private.

An online survey was launched on September 25 and will cease on October 9.

The survey was created as an option for folks who may not be able to attend any public sessions, but still would like to contribute with feedback and comments.

Last winter, New York State announced Boonville as a recipient of $4.5 million for its NY Forward program.

Village of Boonville image.

***This story was updated with additional audio as of 8:57 A.M. Wednesday, October 2, 2024.

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