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REPORT: Legal battle between Copenhagen and dissolved fire department may last for years, according to letters

Published on November 28, 2023

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LEWIS COUNTY- Letters suggest the legal battle between the village of Copenhagen, NY and its now dissolved fire department may last for years.

This development is according to the latest from WWNY-TV.

In the latest documents filed in court, the village is accusing the fire department of continuous use of its vehicles and equipment, which they are reportedly banned from doing so, unless it is for things like maintenance, with prior notification.

For example, court documents allege the former fire department of bringing one of its fire trucks to a Trunk or Treat on October 28. Village officials say they believe someone under 18 drove the truck and possibly damaged it.

The fire department was dissolved in the wake of a state audit, which found bookkeeping discrepancies, specifically in finances.

In a letter published on October 1 and addressed to Harrisburg and Pinckney Fire Departments, Copenhagen Fire officials asked for coverage protection per their legal attorney, who advised they could contract with any towns they originally covered prior to being dissolved.

In the court documents, the village is asking for all fire department vehicles, land, turn out gear and public money be returned.

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