LOWVILLE- Incumbent Lewis County Sheriff Mike Carpinelli and his challenger, Nichole Turck, a retired New York State Trooper, are both Republicans and that means the race between them is aimed to ultimately be decided come Primary Day.
This development is according to the latest from WWNY-TV.
On Thursday, the Sheriff and Turck took part in a question and answer session with members of the public.
The event took place at Lowville Academy and was the finale in a series of three meet the candidate events, where the first two focused on races within the board of legislators.
The event Thursday was moderated by 7 News Anchor, John Moore.
Both Carpinelli and Turck had opportunities to make opening and closing statements, while also fielding questions from those attending.
Highlight topics included state mandates, the need for additional road patrol for major public events and management styles.
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