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Rick Bush receives third annual Citizen of the Year Award in Lowville

Published on August 28, 2023

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LOWVILLE- Rick Bush is the third recipient for Lowville’s annual Citizen of the Year award.

He’s been an active member for Lowville’s Fire Department for 66-years, while also being involved in numerous other community minded initiatives, including ‘Food Dollars’ at Lloyd’s Diner.

He received the award during the 202nd Lewis County Fair, as previous recipient Doug Hanno handed over the honors.

The first recipient was Joshua Fitzgerald when the awarded sparked three-years-ago.

“Rick has done so much for our community,” said Mr. Hanno. “He is always giving of himself to help someone or help a business in need.”

In addition to being an active member of the community, Bush had success as a business person by running Lowville Feed and Grain with his wife, Ellen.

Rick was nominated for Lowville’s third annual Citizen of the Year Award by Matt Birchenough.

Moose News image.

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