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Third public meeting for Boonville NY Forward grant funding has 'strong' community member turnout, committee officials say

Published on August 30, 2024

Boonville Village Square

BOONVILLE- The third public meeting for Boonville's NY Forward grand funding had a 'strong' community member turnout, according to committee officials.

During Thursday night's session, 31 project proposals, including both private and public, were revealed publicly.

The total funding requests from these submitted proposals adds up to nearly $12 million. Keep in mind, the village was allotted $4.5 million from the state's NY Forward grant program.

A full digital presentation, including the list of private and public project proposals, can be viewed in this PDF.

The next public workshop is coming up on Wednesday, October 2 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Erwin Library.

Boonville NY Forward October Workshop 2024

Village of Boonville, NY images.

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