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‘Zombie drug’ blamed in recent overdose spike in the Syracuse area; officials anticipate possible arrival to North Country

Published on March 08, 2023

Tranq DEA

SYRACUSE & BOONVILLE- A ‘zombie drug’ is to blame in a recent spike of overdoses in the Syracuse, NY area and North Country officials are bracing for its potential arrival locally, it it’s not here already.

Known as ‘tranq,’ to dealers, the drug’s medical term is Xylazine, which is reportedly utilized by veterinarians in sedation of large animals.

Christina O’Neil, Director of Mental Health Services with Samaritan Health, says the drug has the ‘zombie’ reputation because it’s known to rot the skin around injection sites.

“It’s a drug that is often times cut with heroin or fentanyl,” O’Neil told reporters from WWNY-TV. “It’s deadly.”

According to Boonville Police Officer in Charge Fred Robenski, he isn’t aware of any cases yet in Oneida County, but it would be a reason for caution if cases do start popping up.

“As far as we know, we have not come into contact with it,” he told us.

Robenski began working in narcotics back in the early 2000’s and first became aware of ‘tranq’ in the late 2000’s, where there were issues with it overseas, specifically in Africa, he said.

He says it’s no reason for panic, but a time for awareness amidst an already fueled overdose epidemic.

Image via the DEA.

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